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No Right Brain Left Behind



Education has been a huge focus for the creative community this year with films like David Guggenheim's Waiting for Superman and programs like Redu calling attention to the crisis in US schools today. In conjunction with the global events coordinated for Social Media Week 2011 a group of creative agency-types have thrown down the gauntlet, challenging their peers to concept ideas to address the "creativity crisis" within the US education system over the course of the week. No Right Brain Left Behind is using this interesting media moment and giving teams of designers, agencies and consultancies an opportunity to enact some change within a local community. The brief will be announced on February 7th, the first day of social media week and teams have 5 days to pitch their ideas. Tune into their site to register your team or learn more about their well-laid plans.

No Right Brain Left Behind is a speed innovation challenge, calling on the creative industries to concept ideas that can help the creativity crisis happening in U.S. schools today.

In collaboration with Social Media Week 2011, teams from creative industries will have 5 days to concept ideas. On the last day of the week, ideas will be submitted virtually to the RightBrainsAre.us site, and an expert panel will pick 3 winning ideas that are to be featured by our media partners. The best ideas are to be piloted in 2011 and 2012.


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