Situated on the grounds of a former power plant, 751 D-Park has become a center for Beijing's design scene housing interior designers, furniture showrooms and fashion firms. The area has recently been reclaimed after the rise of the neighboring 798 Arts Zone elevated the surrounding area as a destination for art-lovers.
During this inaugural Beijing Design Week, the dramatic industrial backdrop will host a range of exhibition work from local and international designers. With a mix of everything from student work to more established designers, 751 D-Park will be a hive of design-related activity with pop-up book stores, Pecha Kucha discussions and hosted talks scheduled throughout the week. Below are some highlights from the exhibitions.
751-D Park
Building A, No 4.
Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District
"Urban Body" - Structure built out of repurposed shipping palates from the students of Tsinghua University and Ecolre Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
Lucite Table from Zhou Qi Yue. On view at Open Studio: Beijing Design
Explorations in plastics from Song Tao (O Gallery). On view at open Studio: Beijing Design