Egor Chupryna's transportation renderings caught my eye a few weeks ago, shortly after he posted them to his portfolio, but it didn't occur to me to investigate any further, thinking that the images were just sleek eye candy and nothing more. However, with all of this Mag-Lev talk in the past week, I thought to revisit Chupryna's work, clicking through to the demo video to discover that "Moving Platforms" was a speculative transportation project by none other than London's Priestmangoode, where Chupryna works as a Visualizer.
The concept, brilliantly brought to life by Chupryna, is quite clever, if still highly speculative for its infrastructural prerequisites (or lack thereof): local transportation systems travel on loops that are partially parallel to commuter or high-speed transit lines, such that the trains can connect, airlock-style, for transfers without stopping (though I imagine they'd have to slow down quite a bit to line up properly). This does away with what Paul Priestman deems the 18th-century baggage of the train station, streamlining transit both within conurbations and between them.