Tonight, Core77 enthusiastically welcomes Matt Foster, Co-Owner and Designer of Foster Knives, to the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!
Tuesday, Oct. 11th
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209
The focus of Matt's talk will be an overview of his design process when creating knives. Foster Knives are designed initially with a purpose driven or market driven perspective. Each influences the design in its own way, affecting the blade shape, the materials, whether it is locked or fixed and other factors. Then we'll examine how marketing and manufacturing influences are integrated into the design process. Finally Matt will go over some specific processes as examples of how those influences play out, and the importance of not allowing the manufacturing to be the only things that mitigates the design.
Matt Foster has spent his entire career working in the sporting goods and shooting sports industry. His professional experience with knives and design began at Gerber Legendary Blades. Noticing that there was a market niche not being served by existing makers and designers, he taught himself to design and make his own brand of knives. Experience gained from designing his own knives led him to design and create other products relevant to his career: scope mounts, shotgun stocks, gun cleaning equipment and firearms accessories.