I don't know about you, but I'm beyond sick of the seemingly endless supply of iPad accessories coming out of Kickstarter. It's really making me wonder what doesn't make it past Kickstarter's review board. Anyways, it's nice to see a graphic designer featured here on Core77 find some success with the crowd-sourcing website. We did a spotlight back in August on Chris Piascik's mission to create 1000 typographic drawings, one per day for four years.
Now Piascik is releasing a book filled with his beautiful creations and he's already reached its Kickstarter goal with 26 days still to go. Besides the fact that I could stare at his typographic drawings for long periods of time, his great rewards are most certainly helping his cause. From a custom drawing of your name to an illustrated quotation to one of Piascik's sketchbooks, there's something for everyone.