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Where Do You Give? National Design Competition Call for Entries



In our increasingly interconnected world, giving is no longer bound by geographic, ethnic or other traditional parameters. From donating online to donating overseas, people are making unprecedented choices about where to give, to whom and why.

So what will giving look like in the 21st century? It certainly won't be done by collecting coins in a box anymore. And it's got to go beyond giving to our family and neighbors.

Enter the Where Do You Give? National Design Competition. Where Do You Give? challenges artists to create a 21st century icon inspired by the values and imagery of the traditional Jewish tzedakah, or charity, box. The design competition "seeks to bring an ancient Jewish ritual object—the tzedakah box—into active dialogue with contemporary thinking about philanthropy and social change. We hope to catalyze deeper engagement around what philanthropy means in our increasingly interconnected, global and technologically accelerated world," according to the project's website.

Contestants have until March 1, 2012 to submit their entry in one of three categories: a traditional collection box; an interactive multimedia and user interface design for websites, mobile devices and web- or mobile-based games; or "outside the box", which can include exploratory or conceptual design.

The grand prize winner will receive $2,500 cash and an opportunity to travel with AJWS to visit some of their partners in the developing world. All finalists will receive $250 and have their work included in a national mobile tour.

To learn more about the competition, visit wheredoyougive.org. Ready to design the future of giving? Register to submit here.


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