DANT DANT. I just experienced the design blogger's version of the opening scene from Law & Order: I was looking for something else and I stumbled upon a corpse. Matroshka is a design project from 2007 that looked promising and was generating interest and potential customers, then sadly died before seeing production. (Cause of death unknown.)
The concept is for a system of space-saving furniture that nests together--hence its name, Matroshka, a/k/a the Russian nesting dolls. At its most compressed the system takes up just four square meters but breaks out into permutations including a bed, desk, bookshelf, couch, coffee table, dinner table, wardrobe, clothing drawers, and seating for twelve!
I'm going to spend the next 30 minutes investigating, so I can find someone to prosecute for another 30 minutes.
Hit the jump for tons-o'-shots.