DesigNYC, a one-year-old organization that matches nonprofit/community design needs with pro bono designers, has just opened its call for their second round of project submissions from nonprofits, community groups, and city agencies, eligible if they are serving the public good. A round-up of the most compelling projects will be selected by the DesigNYC team and matched with a professional design leader in the fields of architecture, landscape design, interior design, comunication design and more.
To enter your project in the running, visit read over the requirements and submit before November 5th, 5:00pm. If you're a designer based in NYC interested in contributing your services, you can submit a profile at any time. The organization is sporting a brand new website, with images and project descriptions and updates from their inaugural round of organization-designer partnerships, so worth a visit even if you aren't submitting.
For even more info, read the post we did on the results of DesigNYC's first year.